"Every big castle was once started with a single block; despise no small beginnings.  A little step taken every day builds up the hope of greater accomplishments. Do something every day!" - Israelmore Ayivor 

"As they studied the law, they discovered that the Lord had commanded through Moses that the Israelites should live in shelters during the. Festival to be held that month." (Nehemiah 8:14,17ff) 

The Bible tells us in Zechariah 4:10; Our humble beginnings, our starts, and tinny first steps give God pleasure and make Him rejoice. 

The Israelites' calendar allowed a 7 days celebration known as the festival of Shelters. During this period the people lived in shelters made of branches. The practice was instituted as a reminder of their rescue from Egypt and the time spent in shelters in the wilderness (Leviticus 23:43). 

During this time according to God's law studied by Ezra, ascribe with a combination of lawyer, notary public, scholar, and consultant, the Israelites were to think about God's protection and guidance during their years of wandering and the fact that God would still protect and guide them if they obeyed Him. 

It was a time for the Israelites to remember their origins, their history, and their inheritance! 

It is helpful to remember the days of our humble beginnings to appreciate where we are today. We can't know where we are unless we keep remembering where we came from, the course to where we are today, the challenges we encountered, how we were able to overcome the challenges, and probably the tangible events that we can allude to. 

Take time to think back on your life to see where God has led you. You may never realize until you count the scattered blessings. You will surely find the reason to thank the Lord for the unceasing protection, provision, love, and favor. 

Prayer Today: Heavenly, Father, I thank you for not allowing the weakest points of my life to limit my potential. Lord thank you for giving my life a divine purpose. I praise your name for the amazing power that carries me in moments of weakness. I know that no matter where I started, you want to take me where you want me to go. I thank you for showing me that incredible things begin in a humble way and place. In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.  

Albert Collins Kyeyune