"Success is not measured by what you accomplish but by the opposition you have encountered, and the courage with which you have maintained the struggle against overwhelming odds." -Orison Swette Marden 

"So I purged out everything foreign and assigned tasks to the priests and Levites, making certain that each knew his work. I also made sure that the supply of wood for the altar and the first portions of the harvest were brought at the proper times." (Nehemiah 13:30, 31) 

As we come to the end of the book of Nehemiah, it offers us a perfect reflection on the major theme being communicated. The book is about rebuilding the wall of the great city, but it is also about spiritual renewal, rebuilding a people's dependence on God. When we take our eyes off God, our lives begin to disintegrate. 

Nehemiah was faced with the challenge of accomplishing a huge task against all odds. His life story offers miles of lessons that are still valid today in accomplishing huge tasks against incredible odds. Have a clear purpose and keep evaluating it in light of God's will. 

Nehemiah made sure that against all odds, he remained on track. Secondly, being straightforward and honest. Nehemiah always made his goal clear and spoke the truth even when it made his goal harder to achieve. Thirdly, Nehemiah lived above reproach. The accusations made against him never moved him even an inch. lastly, Nehemiah was a man of constant prayer. He in consequence derived power and wisdom in keeping close contact with God.  

Incredibly, Nehemiah learned that there is no success without the risk of failure, no reward without hard work, no opportunity without criticism, no true leadership without hard work and no true success without trust in God. 

Regardless of who we are in this world, life is full of challenges. Whatever your goals are, we are bound to encounter obstacles before hitting the jackpot. The fight through hardship and having a share of pain is a common occurrence. But once we reach that desired point it comes with a bundle of roses. 

Prayer Today: Heavenly father, the lion of peace, when evil darkens my ways, Lord give me light. When despair engulfs my soul, give me hope. When I stumble and fall lift me. When doubt fills my heart, give me faith. When everything seems incomplete, instill in me a sense of completeness. When ideas fade, give me a new beginning. When I lose my way, be my perfect guide. That I may find stability in your presence in doing your will. In the mighty name of Jesus, I pray, Amen.  

Albert Collins Kyeyune