"Fear is the glue that keeps you stuck. Faith is the solvent that sets you free" -Shannon L. Alder 

"Daniel went at once to see the King and requested more time to tell the King what the dream meant." (Daniel 2: 16, 17, 18) 

Trusting God and his goodness has been a factual crisis for mankind over centuries. Indeed Daniel was in a catch 22. Imagine the braveness He had to gather to go and see Nebuchadnezzar, the one described as powerful, temperamental, and above all had just angrily ordered for the execution of his fortune-tellers, Daniel and his friends if his dream and its interpretation is not told to him.  

Daniel still found the confidence to seek more time. He did not dwindle back in fear, but with faith reckoned God would tell him all that the king wanted to know. 

Again when the King accepted to give Daniel more time to find the answer, Daniel didn't sit back, he quickly gathered his trusted friends and they prayed. When you find yourself in a similarly tight spot, or you could be in a crisis, do not panic, if need be, seek a reasonable time, gather your trusted friends who also believe in God's power and share your needs. 

At that tight spot, prayer becomes the perfect choice. Prayer is more effective than panic. Panic confirms your hopelessness, prayer confirms your hope in God. 

Daniel's trust in God saved not only himself, his three friends but also the fortune-tellers of Babylon who had hit a dead end! 

Prayer Today: Heavenly Father,  I thank you for being alive in my life at all times. Thank you especially for being there for me in times of crisis. Help me to trust you at all times. When fear engulfs me and panic begins to grip my heart, may I always turn to you as my first and last solution. Teach me, Oh my God to be wisely cautious. Help me to lead with confidence all that you have entrusted in me. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I have prayed. Amen. 

Albert Collins Kyeyune