"The best leaders are humble enough to realize their victories depend upon their people" -John C. Maxwell 

"At Daniel's request, the King appointed Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to be in charge of all the affairs of the province of Babylon, while Daniel remained in the King's court." (Daniel 2:49) 

It is unconventional but also unfashionable in this era and time to choose to work alone! Allowing competent people to work with you in strategic positions happens to be a vital management skill. Although many find it difficult to put it into practice.  

Whatever the case may be, it is important to continue sharpening the skills by way of allowing other competent people to execute critical assignments. A belief that you're the only one who can do the job right is not only disastrous but also comes with a couple of negative consequences. Not only will you overload your schedule and prioritize the less critical tasks but also the people around you will miss out on the valuable learning opportunities. 

After being promoted to the position of the ruler over the whole province of Babylon and the leader of all wise men in the Persian Empire, Daniel requested the King to appoint his 3 friends, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, as his assistants in charge of the province affairs and for him, he concentrated on the King's Court. 

As a deserving leader, Daniel knew that he could not handle such an enormous responsibility without competent assistants. He took a bold step to chose the best people from his companions.  

It is a cardinal principle that a competent leader never executes all his responsibilities alone, he or she knows how to delegate and supervise. 

Even the greatest leaders, like Moses and Elijah, shared the burden of administration with dozens of assistants. Moses shared responsibility with Aaron, and Joshua while Elijah shared responsibility with Elisha. 

Prayer Today: Heavenly Father, I commit all my work today to you. Thank you for the responsibilities you have given me. I thank you for the colleagues I work with within the chain of work I do. I invite you oh Lord to be with me today. May I perform each task with diligence, patience, and to the best of my ability? May I serve with integrity and speak with ability. May I understand my role and purpose as I contribute worthily? Help me to handle each challenge with wisdom. I pray my Lord that you work in me and through me today. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I have prayed. Amen. 

Albert Collins Kyeyune